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March 20, 2008



It's now the 3rd day of Spring here in Michigan and last night we were blanketed with 10 inches of snow ~ which I suspect dampened the plans of the Easter Egg Hunt in the park this morning!
Once in a great while I have had the experience you write of ~ an awe-some sense. Reminds me that I'm not nearly as in control of things as I sometimes have the illusion of. The Spring Equinox felt oddly thymed for me this year, falling on Maundy Thursday but all of Lent has felt that way. Sometimes the inner seasons align with the earthly seasons, and sometimes not. Either way it's great to have your words splashed across my computer screen!

Blessings of New Life and another Season!


Many welcome back hugs!!! I was thrilled to see you at Christine's site. I went to her retreat last fall. I think it is time I come to one of yours!

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Are you in my mind? This was what I needed to hear today!

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Tony, Shirley and Brick


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