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January 11, 2007


Karla MG

I listened to a fair bit of JF in years past, but not enough to help you my friend. I presume Rich is just standing by LOL?! ;) If it's any consolation, Michelle spent one toddler night, well past bedtime all-out tantrumming for "baby cheese-sauce." Ry and I were at wits end trying to calm her and meet her "need." It was with great humor and mostly relief that we finally made sense of what she was screaming/crying for... her "Baby JESUS" book! It was Advent and she knew what was important for bedtime! LOL! Oh, and I have this on good authority from the former minister at the St.Pt. UMC: Mr. Mister's "Kyrie Eleison" is really "Carry me a laser" ;) This discovery was made at an Ash Wednesday service when I was a teen! Hehehe! Namaste and grins! --Karla

shannon marye

not my url, but check this out anyway. my friends blog contains a youtube video of her little girl singing about her coming sibling.

shannon marye

Jonathan Rundman 3-year-old son Paavo loves that same John Fogerty album, especially song 3, "Blueboy." The youngsters love Fogerty!

izrada web sajtova

Great job here. I really enjoyed what you had to say

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