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December 06, 2006



I'm liking this color scheme the most


Trish, I really like the photo, the colors, and your invitation to speak to and for our sisters and brothers in Iraq. Thank you! Advent blessings of all colors, Cathleen

Bette Wappner

Hearing Dr. Jawad's voice in the audio interview clip you provide above is very moving, Trish. How wonderful his passion to teach and translate Western literary arts and to promote freedom of ideas while his homeland is being stripped of freedom and of life.

I will join Dr. Jawad in his quest for peace by trying to work on a poem to submit. The good thing is that I have thru April to work on it.

Thank you for bringing this message to us to give A Gift Of Words that will be a part of a printed anthology! Perhaps my children will be inspired to write a poem as well. It is also their future.

I imagine that your Sammy has a gift of words in his heart.

Peace and hug,
Bette. your blog colours!

Shawna R. B. Atteberry

Welcome to RevGals. That is a great idea. Your title is absolutely breathtaking.


Just stopping by to say hello and welcome to the RevGals! I love your title and the wintry blog look.

Kievas Fargo

I'm poetically challenged at the moment, but welcome to RGBP--from one new member to another!


Welcome to RGBP! I'm new too, subject of the previous [subliminal] Meet 'n' Greet. Hey, you and I both know Karla Grauberger!!!!! I met her on the old, now defunct UCC online forums; we talk on the phone whenever possible and she's linked me to The River's Voice, which I love everything about. In fact, just this morning Karla sent me a beautiful River's Voice ecard. Many blessings from San Diego! PS wonderful blog banner photograph.

Deb Vaughn

welcome to RGBPs! You inspire with with your artistry.



Now this is a challange. But last night I had the thought that I wish I had a way of letting them know how I feel.

Sacred Art of Living

Trish, just wanted to formally welcome you to RGBP now that you have been introduced! Delighted we could connect long before...I am loving your Behold CD.
Blessings, Christine

SGT KIm Pratt

I was really impressed and drawn in by so much of your blog until I came across this "poetry challenge" you had here for the Iraqi people. While I am not against the Iraqi people in any way shape or form, I think as an American, it would also be good to let the soldiers who protect your very freedoms to write blogs such as yours, know that you appreciate them as well. My unit is in Iraq right now fighting and dying for the freedoms of the Iraqi people. We are Military Police Officers trying to "uncorrupt" their ways so the people can live without fear... Yet who do you glorify? The Iraqis. How many of your own kind ~ my brothers and sisters, have died - Have come home in flag draped coffins? Or without arms or legs? PTSD? You don't know, do you? I guess it's more popular to speak of "helping and supporting" the Iraqi poople. God Bless You as I feel you THINK you are on the right path... Take a closer look young lady.

SGT Pratt
U.S. Army
MP Corps

SGT KIm Pratt

Merry Christmas....

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